Friday, February 24

Success, but at what cost

The Assyrian tablets are recovered! I had hoped for a quick resolution to the matter of the missing artifacts in order to secure my position at the FLDA, but wonder where how much deeper this case will lead. With the help of Mr. Patrick Laughton of the Museum, the antique-book purveyor Edward Pike and his man Corso, we were able to quickly track down Williams through his parter in crime who we found at the swarthy establishment -- Fox and Hound.

William raved about a man of shadow haunting him for the tablets. Just as I was about to lose my temper with his ramblings, behold, the thing did appear as fearsome as he described. Could the cursed thing be the man Ginger who had collected 2 of the missing tablets? He answered us not, but quickly retreated in search of his prize.

In an attempt to head off this foul creature, we made haste to Lady Isabella Nichols - purchaser or the remaining 2 tablets. Though we had made good time to her home, we were plied with much sherry and chocolate and for Pike and invitation to brunch before gaining access to the stored artifacts.

Too late, the devil had collected his due and headed to his home to complete the evil rites that had brought him to his shadow state. We found ourselves lost in the maze that is the London streets, hope beginning to fade that we could stop the beast in time.

Arrived at last, we snuck to the 3rd floor of Ginger's home and rushed in - guns blazing - against the chanting evil. Distracted, the creature attacked and I was just able to fight it off from the thing closing it's ghostly black arms(?) around my throat. However, in a moment of clarity, Pike companion Corso, took advantage of the fight and smashed 2 ancient tablets that were the focus of the creature's power.

The horror defeated, and with great reward from Sir Rayburn-Price, my future should be secured. But I find myself dwelling on the events of the day, trying to find a meaning to what I have seen. My mother warned me as a child to avoid studying the history of her Egyptian homeland. I always thought her superstitious and ashamed of her old world origins, but perhaps she knows more truth than I had realized. I must travel back to Ipswich and tell her what has happened and see what light can be shed. I also plan to study the ancient tome of Pike with a ritual centered on an holy Ankh symbol like the one I carry. What power lies in these old symbols? What further horrors await with the remaining lost artifacts?

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